Monday, June 21, 2010

The Reason I Blog

I have written a personal journal or kept a diary since I was a young girl until I had children. When I had my first child, my intention was to journal everything down for her so that when she went away to college or if I died or some tragic reason or time of need, she would have a legacy. Something to look back upon and find memories of her childhood, time spent with me and her father, and motherly advice. Unfortunately, life got in the way. Cleaning bottles, changing diapers and life just took priority over writing.

A few years ago, I was feeling as though I needed to start writing again. This time, I felt led to write down the times that God has been faithful and ever present in my life. To me this was for my own confirmation to go back to at times when I was struggling. After all, the Bible tells us of God’s faithfulness. Honestly, I need those reminders.

So I began writing about the times that God has been faithful in my life. I wrote about things only God could do in my life and the times that He has presented Himself so real. Then I found a friend’s blog and became captivated. I decided that I too would blog, but would not share it with anyone. I would keep these stories tucked away in my blog land and no one would ever know.

Fast forward to today. I feel led by the Lord to share my blog with others. This was never my intention. (Don’t say never…you always end up doing what you never thought you would. That has been evident in my life more times than once.) However, my blog started out merely as my own secret diary. Everyone knows that when anyone publishes anything on the internet, it is not secret! With the help of search engines, you can find just about anything. However, I vowed to never, ever tell anyone about my blog.

I have shared my blog with a few close friends from time to time. Again, my intention was never to share it with the world. I have had an internal battle and struggle with the Lord over the past few months over this very thing. Recently my pastor preached a message on obedience. He stated partial obedience is not obedience. It is no longer enough that I just secretly write about God. I must also share about God. With that said, I have decided to post “I blog here…” on my Facebook page.

So now for my ultimate disclaimer, if you read my blog expecting some great literary author, you will not find that. In other words, I am not perfect and my writing is not perfect. I fail everyday. However, my God is perfect! He is loving and forgiving. I thank God that His Mercies are new to me each day.

My next posting will be about the “greatest” thing that has ever happened in my life! I hope you enjoy, but most of all, I pray that God will be glorified in all that I do.