Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Good Life

Today I was leaving work and a really cute white (expensive) convertible sports car drove by me. I noticed the license plate said "GOODLIF". As I exited onto the interstate, there was standstill traffic. I watched the little car buzz in and out of traffic trying to move forward. I again noticed it when I took the next exit. For several miles I followed the car. I began contemplating the Good Life as I watched this car and driver weave in and out of traffic.. is she really experiencing the good life just driving that car? sure it is 75 degrees on an absolutely beautiful day, but does she really have the "good life"? the car is in the same traffic and same predictment that I am ...stuck and waiting. Then I thought, how often do we put hope in material objects, places or people thinking that it will give us the "good life"? We often search for the good life, but what are we really searching for? Happiness? Peace? Respect of others? So often we search for the Good Life here on Earth. I do think that we can have peace, joy, happiness; but, we also experience other feelings such as sadness, loneliness, etc. For me personally, Life is Good because GOD IS GREAT!